センター長 | 小野 富三人(医学部 生理学教室 教授 ) |
副センター長 | 星賀 正明(医学部 内科学Ⅲ教室 教授) |
副センター長 | 戸塚 裕一(薬学部 製剤設計学研究室 教授) |
副センター長 | 飛田 伊都子(看護学部 慢性期成人看護学分野 教授) |
副センター長 | 小林 未明(国際交流センター 講師) |
Welcome to the Global Center at Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University (OMPU). Following the merger of two Universities, Osaka Medial College (OMC) and Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences (OUPS), it became necessary to merge departments handling international affairs at each University and run them cohesively and efficiently, which led to the establishment of the Global Center on the main campus in 2023.
At Osaka Medical College, international affairs were handled mainly at the Nakayama International Center for Medical Cooperation, named after late Dr. Taro Nakayama, who was an alumnus of OMC and a foreign minister of Japan in 1990s. Agreements for exchanging students were established with multiple medical schools around the world. Numerous OMC students visited foreign Universities and conversely, we accepted many foreign students over the years. The activity of the Nakayama International Center for Medical Cooperation was severely inhibited by the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately. Now that the pandemic is coming to an end after three years, we finally resumed exchanging students. We hope to continue traditions of OMC and OUPS and extend them further.
Of note, interest on the part of our students for international experience remained keen even during the pandemic. The Nakayama International Center for Medical Cooperation and the International Office of OUPS utilized online platforms to provide virtual experiences for such students. Students independently explored areas not traditionally covered by the Nakayama International Center for Medical Cooperation, which led, for example, to multiple students passing USMLE Step1 and an alumnus being accepted to the graduate school of a British medical school. A group of students also participated in international medical quiz competitions online and had a valuable experience to compete and interact with foreign medical students. We aim to cover these areas in the near future and assist students in such activities.
Last but not least, assisting faculty in international affairs is also an integral mission of the Center. We hope we can help faculty to nurture more interaction with foreign researchers / doctors and to stimulate research / education activities at OMPU.
If you are interested or need consulting, please feel free to contact us, and we sincerely hope that we can help you building your future career.
Fumihito Ono
Director of the Global Center
本部キャンパス 新講義実習棟8階
人と人との出会いを大切に、医学・医療の英知を共有し、国際社会をけん引するグローバル人材を育成するという中山先生の御遺志を新生大阪医科薬科大学国際交流センター(Global Center)が引継ぎ、本学の国際交流を進めることを誓い、中山太郎先生のご冥福をお祈りいたします。
学長 佐野浩一