
[永田 誠准教授]  数論とその周辺 / [竹本宏輝准教授]  原子核分野におけるクラスター物理の理論的研究

[永田 誠准教授]







永田 誠准教授





永田 誠准教授


  1. 永田 誠,武井 由智,Sós置換に関するSurányiの全単射のある2次元版について,大阪医科薬科大学薬学部雑誌 Vol.2, pp.21-55 (2023)


  1. 永田 誠,武井 由智,ある型の置換の個数についてII,大阪医科薬科大学薬学部雑誌 Vol.1, p.19-45. (2022)


  1. 永田 誠,武井 由智,ある型の置換の個数について,大阪薬科大学紀要Vol.15. p.51-70. (2021)


  1. 永田 誠,武井 由智,ヒトが生成する置換の統計的性質II,大阪薬科大学紀要Vol.14, p.19-48.(2020)


  1. 永田 誠,武井 由智,ヒトが生成する置換の統計的性質,大阪薬科大学紀要Vol.13, p.5-36.(2019)


  1. M. NAGATA,Alternative approach for Siegel's lemma, Math. Jour. of Okayama University, vol.58, p.141-158.(2016)
  2. 永田 誠,薬学系大学生の論理性に関するアンケート調査結果,大阪薬科大学紀要Vol.10,p.5-20.(2016)


  1. 永田 誠,武井 由智,拡散を連想させるある離散モデルの裾確率について,大阪薬科大学紀要Vol.7, (Research note)p.33-39.(2013)
  2. M. NAGATA,On a certain symmetric property in the geometry of numbers,大阪薬科大学紀要Vol.6, p.37-39.(2012)
  3. 永田 誠,数の幾何における短完全系列についてのある考察,大阪薬科大学紀要 創刊号 p.25-31.(2007)
  4. M. NAGATA,Diophantine approximations related to rational values of G-functions, Acta Arith., 104, no.4. p.311-344.(2003)
  5. M. NAGATA,On G-functions and Pade approximations,Number Theoretic Methods, Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.301-310.(2002)
  6. M. NAGATA,A generalization of the sizes of differential equations and its applications to G-function theory, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.,(4) Vol. XXX, p.465-497.(2001)
  7. M. NAGATA,Regular singularities in G-function theory, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 247, p.321-336.(1997)
  8. M. NAGATA,Sequences of differential systems, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124, no 1. p.21-25(1996)
  9. M. NAGATA,Rational approximations to linear forms in values of G-functions, Acta Arith., 70, no.4. p.313-341.(1995)



  1. Takayuki Myo, Mengjiao Lyu, Qing Zhao, Masahiro Isaka, Niu Wan, Hiroki Takemoto, Hisashi Horiuchi: Variation of multi-Slater determinants in antisymmetrized molecular dynamics and its application to 10Be with various clustering, Phys. Rev. C 108, 064314, 2023.
  2. Takayuki Myo and Hiroki Takemoto: Resonances and scattering in microscopic cluster models with the complex-scaled generator coordinate method, Phys. Rev C 107, 064308, 2023.
  3. Hiroki Takemoto, Takayuki Myo, Hisashi Horiuchi, Hiroshi Toki, Masahiro Isaka, Mengjiao Lyu, Qing Zhao, and Niu Wan: Appearance of the Hoyle state and its breathing mode in 12C despite strong short-range repulsion of the nucleon—nucleon potential, Phys. Rev. C 107, 044304, 2023.


  1. Masahiro Isaka, Qing Zhao, Takayuki Myo, Mengjiao Lyu, Hiroshi Toki, Hisashi Horiuchi, Hiroki Takemoto, and Niu Wan: Role of spatially compact nucleon wave packets in an ab initio description of 3H within high-momentum antisymmetrized molecular dynamics, Phys. Rev. C 106, 044310, 2022.
  2. Niu Wan, Takayuki Myo, Hiroki Takemoto, Hiroshi Toki, Chang Xu, Hisashi Horiuchi, Masahiro Isaka, Mengjiao Lyu, and Qing Zhao: Finite particle-number description of symmetric nuclear matter with spin excitations of high-momentum pairs induced by the tensor force, Phys. Rev. C 106, 034308, 2022.
  3. Chikako Ishizuka, Hiroki Takemoto, Yohei Chiba, Akira Ono, and Naoyuki Itagaki: Role of tensor interaction as salvation of cluster structure in 44Ti, Phys. Rev. C 105, 064314, 2022.
  4. Takayuki Myo, Mengjiao Lyu, Hiroshi Toki, Hisashi Horiuchi, Qing Zhao, Masahiro Isaka, Hiroki Takemoto, and Niu Wan: New many-body method using cluster expansion diagrams with tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics, Phys. Rev. C 105, 014317,2022.


  1. Q. Zhao, M. Isaka, T. Myo, M. Lyu, H. Toki, H. Horiuchi, H. Takemoto, and N. Wan: Role of the unitary correlation operator on high-momentum antisymmetrized molecular dynamics using the bare NN interaction for 3H and 4He, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 063D02, 2021.


  1. T. Myo, H. Takemoto, M. Lyu, N. Wan, C. Xu, H. Toki, H. Horiuchi, T. Yamada, and K. Ikeda: Variational calculation of nuclear matter in a finite particle number approach using the unitary correlation operator and high-momentum pair methods, Phys. Rev.C 99, 024312, 2019


  1. H. Takemoto and A. Tohsaki: Electrostatic Energies of Crystals in Space of Arbitrary Dimension, Prog. Theor. Phys. 113, 327-339, 2005.
  2. H. Takemoto and A. Tohsaki: Dependence of the electrostatic energy on the dimension of the periodicity in a uniform background, Prog. Theor. Phys. 112, 489-497, 2004.
  3. H. Takemoto, M. Fukushima, S. Chiba, H. Horiuchi, Y. Akaishi and A. Tohsaki: Clustering phenomena in nuclear matter below the saturation density, Phys. Rev. C 69, 035802, 2004.
  4. H. Takemoto and A. Tohsaki: Electrostatic energy of an aggregate of point charges with periodicity in a uniform background, Prog. Theor. Phys. 111, 213-228, 2004.
  5. H. Takemoto, T. Ohyama and A. Tohsaki: Direct sum of Coulomb potential without ambiguities of conditionally convergent series, Prog. Theor. Phys. 109, 563-573, 2003.
  6. H. Takemoto, H. Horiuchi and A. Ono: Incident-energy dependence of the fragmentation mechanism reflecting the cluster structure of 19B nucleus, Phys. Rev. C 63, 034615, 2001.
  7. H. Takemoto, H. Horiuchi and A. Ono: Study of clustering structure of 19B by the use of fragmentation reaction, Prog. Theor. Phys. 101, 101-117, 1999.
  8. H. Takemoto, H. Horiuchi and A. Ono: Comparison of clustering effects in 12C fragmentation among p+12C, α+12C, 14N+12C: Excitation of a-cluster degrees of freedom in nuclear collisions, Phys. Rev. C 57, 811-821, 1998.
  9. H. Takemoto, H. Horiuchi, A. Engel and A. Ono: 4He fragments from 14N+12C collisions at 35 MeV/nucleon and clustering in colliding nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 54, 266-275, 1996.