





大学院生 0名
学部学生 6年次生:13名、5年次生:12名、4年次生:10名




このジペプチドの構造を調べるためには、まず合成を行います。合成の利点は、生物が生成する量よりも多く、しかも高い純度で目的物を得られることです。L-Phe-L-Leuを合成する場合、L-Pheにt-butyloxycarbonyl基(以下、Bocと略す)を導入したBoc-L-Pheと、L-Leuにbenzyl ester基(以下、OBzlと略す)を導入したL-Leu-OBzlとを最初に合成します。このBoc基とOBzl基は保護基と呼ばれ、反応させたくない官能基を不活性化することで、余計な反応がおこるのを防ぎます。このBoc-L-PheとL-Leu-OBzlを適当な有機溶媒に溶かし、脱水反応をおこす試薬を加えると、アミド結合が形成され2残基のペプチドBoc-L-Phe-L-Leu-OBzlが合成できます(図1)。

図1 2つのアミノ酸の脱水縮合:青い部分が保護基。赤い部分が新しくできたアミド結合

このペプチドを再結晶し、0.3 mm角程度の単一な結晶を1つ取り出します(図2)。この結晶に波長の短い光(0.7〜1.5Å)をあてると、幾何学的な配列をした回折点が観測されます(図3)。幾何学的な配置と回折点の強度を一つずつ測定し、数学的な統計処理をすることで、結晶中の分子の立体構造を精密に知ることができます。(これを解析するといいます)

Boc-L-Phe-L-Leu-OBzlの結晶は、少しずつ「かたち」が異なった7つのペプチド分子で構成されており、それらが特徴のある配置をとっていることが分かります(図4;水素は省略してます)。これが、今まで長い間解析されなかった理由のようです。結晶を構成する分子が1つなら解析は簡単ですが、7つもあったため解析には技術の進歩が必要でした。見つかった7つの分子をCα原子やアミド結合で重ね合わせると、分子の「端」にあるかさの大きな部分に差がありますが、中央付近ではよく似た構造であることが分かります(図5)。また、分子が並んでいる方向から配列を投影すると、図6のようにペプチド分子が左方向に40〜60° 回転しながら、らせん状に並んでいることも分かりました。どうして,このような高度な規則性が単純なジペプチドによって作り出されるのか理由は分かりませんが、類似ジペプチドにも複数分子が集まる構造が見つかっているので、PheとLeuの性質の一つだと考えられます。このような性質はタンパク質の複雑な立体構造が最初にできるときに有効に働いているのかもしれません。

図4 結晶中に見つかった7つのペプチド分子

図5 7分子の重ね合わせ図

図6 図4を「上」から見た模式図
また、保護基を除いて本来の性質である水溶性を復活させたジペプチドL-Phe-L-Leu-NH2についても、同様の方法で解析してみました。その結果、ジペプチドは1水和物結晶だったのですが、水和水分子がPheのベンゼン環と水素結合していることが推測されました。水分子はアミノ基と水素結合していますが、水素原子の1つがベンゼン環のπ電子雲の中央に向かって伸びています(図7)。水素とベンゼン環中央までの距離も2.49Åと短く、相互作用が生じていると考えられます。通常、水素結合は水酸基O-Hなどの水素原子と、非共有電子対をもつカルボニル基(=O)やアミノ基(-NH2)との間で生じます。まれに、アミノ酸のCα原子がC-H…O=という水素結合をすることは知られていましたが、ベンゼン環と水との相互作用を具体的に見いだした例はほとんどありませんでした。電子の分布を計算しても、水分子の電子が、ベンゼン環のπ電子雲の中央に突きささっている状態だと分かります(図8)。この相互作用は、理論上13.5 kJ/molの安定化が起こると算出されました。普通の水素結合では16〜29 kJ/molの安定化がおこるといわれているので、かなり弱い相互作用です。しかし、タンパク質のα-へリックスやβ−シート構造を安定化する第2の因子ではないかと考えています。

図7 水分子とL-Phe-L-Leu-NH2

図8 電子分布状態


詳しくは http://msc.oups.ac.jp/ をご覧下さい。いろいろなペプチドの構造解析の例や発表論文などを見ることができます。



  1. Asano A, Kawanami Y, Fujita M, Yano Y, Ide R, Minoura K, Kato T, Doi M: Electronic substituent effect on the conformation of a phenylalanine-incorporated cyclic pepide.RSC Adv.,14:1062-1071, 2024.


  1. Ito T, Yokoo H, Kato T*, Doi M, Demizu Y: Sculpting Secondary Structure of a Cyclic Peptide: Conformational Analysis of a Cyclic Hexapeptide Containing a Combination of L-Leu, D-Leu, and Aib Residues. ACS Omega, 8:44106-44111, 2023.
  2. Uchiyama H, Ban K, Nozaki S, Ikeda Y, Ishimoto T, Fujioka H, Kamiya M, Amari R, Tsujino H, Arai M, Yamazoe S, Maekawa K, Kato T, Doi M, Kadota K, Tozuka Y, Tomita N, Sajiki H, Akai S, Sawama Y: Impact of multiple H/D replacements on the physicochemical properties of flurbiprofen.RSC Med Chem., 14:2583-2592, 2023.


  1. Kato T, Numa H, Nakamachi M, Asano A, Doi M: Effects of Substituting Disubstituted Amino Acids into the Amphipathic Cell Penetrating Peptide Pep-1. Chem. Pharm. Bull., 70:812–817, 2022.
  2. Ueda A, Makura Y, Kakazu S, Kato T, Umeno T, Hirayama K, Doi M, Oba M, Tanaka M: E-Selective Ring-Closing Metathesis in α-Helical Stapled Peptides Using Carbocyclic α,α-Disubstituted α-Amino Acids. Org. Lett., 24:1049–1054, 2022.
  3. Yokoo H, Misawa T, Kato T, Tanaka M, Demizu Y, Oba M: Development of delivery carriers for plasmid DNA by conjugation of a helical template to oligoarginine. Bioorg. Med. Chem., 72:116997, 2022.


  1. Asano A, Minami C, Matsuoka S, Kato T, Doi M: An Ornithine-Free Gramicidin S Analogue Using Norleucine, Cyclo(Val–Nle–Leu–D-Phe–Pro)2, Forms Helically Aligned β-Sheets. Chem. Pharm. Bull., 69:1097-1103, 2021.
  2. Makura Y, Ueda A, Kato T, Iyoshi A, Higuch, M, Doi M, Tanaka M. X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of α-Helical Peptide Stabilized by Hydrocarbon Stapling at i,i+1 Positions. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22:5364, 2021.
  3. Sato K, Umeno T, Ueda A, Kato T, Doi M, Tanaka M. Asymmetric 1,4-Addition Reactions Catalyzed by N-Terminal Thiourea-Modified Helical l-Leu Peptide with Cyclic Amino Acids. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27:11216–11220, 2021.
  4. Yamaberi Y, Eto R, Umeno T, Kato T, Doi M, Yokoo H, Oba M, Tanaka M. Synthesis of (S)-(-)-Cucurbitine and Conformation of Its Homopeptides. Org. Lett., 23:4358–4362, 2021.
  5. Asano A, Nakagawa M, Miyajima C, Yasui M, Minoura K, Yamada T, Doi M. Effect of the Powerful Plasticity of the tert‐Butyl Side Chain on the Conformational Equilibrium of Ascidiacyclamides. J. Pept. Sci., e3363, 2021.
  6. Kato T, Kita Y, Iwanari K, Asano A, Oba M, Tanaka M, Doi M. Synthesis of Six-membered Carbocyclic Ring α,α-Disubstituted Amino Acids and Arginine-Rich Peptides to Investigate the Effect of Ring Size on the Properties of the Peptide. Bioorg. Med. Chem., 38:116111, 2021.


  1. Ueda A, Ikeda M, Kasae T, Doi M, Demizu Y, Oba M, Tanaka M: Synthesis of Chiral α‐Trifluoromethyl α,α‐Disubstituted α‐Amino Acids and Conformational Analysis of L‐Leu‐Based Peptides with (R)‐ or (S)‐α‐Trifluoromethylalanine. ChemistrySelect, 5: 10882-10886, 2020.
  2. Asano A, Minoura K, Kojima Y, Yoshii T, Ito R, Yamada T, Kato T, Doi M: NMR-based quantitative studies of the conformational equilibrium between their square and folded forms of ascidiacyclamide and its analogues. RSC Adv., 10: 33317-33326, 2020.
  3. Asano A, Yamada T, Doi M: Incorporation of β-amino acids into ascidiacyclamides: Effects on conformation, cytotoxicity and interaction with copper (II) ion. J. Pept. Sci., 12: e3225. 2020.


  1. Umeno T, Ueda A, Doi M, Kato T, Oba M, Tanaka M: Helical foldamer-catalyzed enantioselective 1, 4-addition reaction of dialkyl malonates to cyclic enones. Tertrahedron Let.,60: 151301, 2019.
  2. Asano A, Matsuoka S, Minami C, Kato T, Doi M.: [Leu2]Gramicidin S preserves the structural properties of its parent peptide and forms helically aligned β-sheets. Acta Cryst., C75: 1336-1343, 2019.
  3. Asano A, and Doi M: A bis-copper(II)–[D-βVal3,7]ascidiacyclamide complex enveloping two square pyramids and sharing an apex atom from a carbonate anion. Acta Cryst., C75: 1182-1187, 2019.
  4. Kato T, Kishimoto S, Asano A, Doi M: Crystal structure of N-{N-[N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)- L-a-aspartyl]-L-a-aspartyl}-L-a-aspartic acid 14,24,34-trimethyl ester 31-2-oxo-2-phenylethyl ester {Boc-[Asp(OMe)]3-OPac}. Acta Cryst., E75: 585–588, 2019.
  5. Asano A and Doi M: Crystal Structure of Gramicidin S Hydrochloride at 1.1 Å Resolution. X-Ray Struct. Anal. Online, 35: 1-2, 2019.


  1. Tanaka M, Yakabi H, Nakatani H, Ueda A, Doi M, Oba M: Helical Structures of Cyclopentene- based α,α-Disubstituted α-Amino Acid Homopeptides. CHIMIA, 72: 848-852, 2018.
  2. Asano A, Yamada T, Taniguchi T, Sasaki M, Yoza K, Doi M: Ascidiacyclamides containing oxazoline and thiazole motifs assume square conformations and show high cytotoxicity. J Pept Sci., e3120, 2018.
  3. Koba Y, Ueda A, Oba M, Doi M, Kato T, Demizu Y, Tanaka M: Left-Handed Helix of Three-Membered Ring Amino Acid Homopeptide Interrupted by an N-H···Ethereal O-Type Hydrogen Bond. Org Lett., 20:7830-7834, 2018.
  4. Tsuji G, Misawa T, Doi M, Demizu Y: Extent of Helical Induction Caused by Introducing α-Aminoisobutyric Acid into an Oligovaline Sequence. ACS Omega, 3:6395–6399, 2018.
  5. Kato T, Oba M, Nishida K, Tanaka M: Cell-Penetrating Peptides Using Cyclic α,α-Disubstituted α-Amino Acids with Basic Functional Groups. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 4: 1368-1376, 2018.


  1. Koba Y, Ueda A, Oba M, Doi M, Demizu Y, Kurihara M, Tanaka M: Helical L-​Leu-​Based Peptides Having Chiral Five-​Membered Carbocyclic Ring Amino Acids with an Ethylene Acetal Moiety. ChemistrySelect, 2: 8108-8114, 2017
  2. Eto R, Oba M, Ueda A, Uku T, Doi M, Matsuo Y, Tanaka T, Demizu Y, Kurihara M, Tanaka M: Diastereomeric Right- and Left-Handed Helical Structures with Fourteen (R)-​Chiral Centers. Chem. Eur. J., 23: 18120-18124, 2017
  3. Kato T, and Doi M: Crystal structure of 3-(4,4-difluoro-5,7-dimethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacen-3-yl)propanoic acid. Acta Cryst., E73: 1974-1976, 2017
  4. Asano A, Numata S, Yamada T, Minoura K, Doi M: Conformational properties of ascydiacyclamide analogues with cyclic a-amino acids instead of oxazoline residues. Bioorg. Med. Chem., 25: 6554-6562, 2017
  5. Furukawa K, Oba, M, Toyama K, Opiyo G O, Demizu Y, Kurihara M, Doi M, Tanaka M:  Low pH-triggering changes in peptide secondary structures. Org. Biomol. Chem., 15: 6302-6305, 2017


  1. Demizu Y, Doi M, Yamashita H, Misawa T, Oba M, Kurihara M, Suemune H, Tanaka M: The side-chain hydroxy groups of a cyclic α,α-disubstituted α-amino acid promote oligopeptide 310-helix packing in the crystalline state. Biopolymers, 5: 757-768, 2016
  2. Demizu Y, Okitsu K, Doi M, Misawa T, Oba M, Tanaka M, Kurihara M: Influence of L-Leu to D-Leu Replacement on the Helical Secondary Structures of L-Leu-Aib-Based Dodecapeptides. ChemistrySelect, 1: 5805-5811, 2016
  3. Demizu Y, Yamashita H, Misawa T, Doi M, Oba M, Tanaka M, Kurihara M: Handedness preferences of heterochiral helical peptides containing homochiral peptide segments. Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2016(4): 840-846, 2016
  4. Umeno T, Ueda A, Oba M, Doi M, Hirata T, Suemune H, Tanaka M: Helical structures of L-​Leu-​based peptides having chiral six-​membered ring amino acids. Tetrahedron, 72(22): 3124-3131, 2016
  5. Ueda A, Oba M, Izumi Y, Sueyoshi Y, Doi M, Demizu Y, Kurihara M, Tanaka M: Helical structures of homo-​chiral isotope-​labeled α-​aminoisobutyric acid peptides. Tetrahedron, 72(39): 5864-5871, 2016
  6. Yamaguchi T, Hoshino M, Miyachi K, Kamino S, Nakahara R, Doi M, Asano M, Matsumura H, Fujita Y: Crystal structure of o-carboxyphenylfluorone as a multifunctional dye. X-Ray Struct. Anal. Online, 32: 9-10, 2016
  7. Furukawa K, Oba M, Opiyo GO, Doi M, Tanaka M: Cyclic α,α-Disubstituted α-Amino Acids with Menthone in Their Side-Chains Linked through an Acetal Moiety and Helical Structures of Their Peptides. Eur. J. Org. Chem., : 2988–2998, 2016
  8. Demizu Y, Okitsu K, Yamashita H, Doi M, Misawa T, Oba M, Tanaka M, Kurihara M: α-Helical Structures of Oligopeptides with an Alternating L-Leu- Aib Segment. Eur. J. Org. Chem. , : 2815–2820, 2016
  9. Ueda A, Umeno T, Doi M, Akagawa K, Kudo K, Tanaka M.: Helical-Peptide-Catalyzed Enantioselective Michael Addition Reactions and Their Mechanistic Insights. J Org Chem, 81(15): 6343-6356, 2016
  10. Kawashima H, Katayama M, Yoshida R, Akaji K, Asano A, Doi M.: A dimer model of human calcitonin13-32 forms an α-helical structure and robustly aggregates in 50% aqueous 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol solution. J Pept Sci, 22(7): 480-484, 2016
  11. Demizu Y, Doi M, Yamashita H, Misawa T, Oba M, Kurihara M, Suemune H, Tanaka M.: The side-chain hydroxy groups of a cyclic α,α-disubstituted α-amino acid promote oligopeptide 310 -helix packing in the crystalline state. Biopolymers, 106(5): 757-768, 2016
  12. Asano A, Minoura K, Yamada T, Doi M.: Conformational transformation of ascidiacyclamide analogues induced by incorporating enantiomers of phenylalanine, 1-naphthylalanine or 2-naphthylalanine. J Pept Sci, 22(3): 156-165, 2016
  13. Koba Y, Hirata Y, Ueda A, Oba M, Doi M, Demizu Y, Kurihara M, Tanaka M.: Synthesis of chiral five-membered carbocyclic ring amino acids with an acetal moiety and helical conformations of its homo-chiral homopeptides. Bioplymers Peptide Sci, 106(4): 555-562, 2016
  14. Oba M, Nonaka H, Doi M, Tanaka M.: Conformational studies on peptides having dipropylglycine (Dpg) or 1-aminocycloheptanecarboxylic acid (Ac7c) within the sequence of L-leucine (Leu) residues. Biopolymers, 106: 210-218, 2016


  1. Demizu Y, Yamashita H, Doi M, Misawa T, Oba M, Tanaka M, Kurihara M: Topological Study of the Structures of Heterochiral Peptides Containing Equal Amounts of l-Leu and d-Leu. J. Org. Chem. 80:8597-8603, 2015
  2. Demizu Y, Misawa T, Yamagata N, Doi M, Kurihara T: Methyl 2-[(2-{2-[(2-acetamidophenyl)ethynyl]benzamido}phenyl)ethynyl]benzoate. Molbank 2015: 854, 2015
  3. Tanda K, Eto R, Kato K, Oba M, Ueda A, Suemune H, Doi M, Demizu Y, Kurihara M, Tanaka M: Peptide foldamers composed of six-membered ring α,α-disubstituted α-amino acids with two changeable chiral acetal moieties. Tetrahedron 71:3909-3914, 2015
  4. Hirata T, Ueda A, Oba M, Doi M, Demizu Y, Kurihara M, Nagano M, Suemune H, Tanaka M: Amino equatorial effect of a six-membered ring amino acid on its peptide 310- and α-helices. Tetrahedron 71:2409-2420. 2015
  5. Demizu Y, Yamashita H, Misawa T, Doi M, Tanaka M, Kurihara M: Effects of D-Leu residues on the helical secondary structures of L-Leu-based nonapeptides. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 63:218-224, 2015


  1. Asano M, Doi M, Baba K, Taniguchi M, Shibano M, Tanaka S, Sakaguchi M, Takaoka M, Hirata M, Yanagihara R, Nakahara R, Hayashi Y, Yamaguchi T, Matsumura H, Fujita Y: Bio-imaging of hydroxyl radicals in plant cells using the fluorescent molecular probe rhodamine B hydrazide, without any pretreatment. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 118:98-100, 2014
  2. Oba M, Kawabe N, Takazaki H, Demizu Y, Doi M, Kurihara M, Suemune H, Tanaka M: Conformational studies on peptides having chiral five-membered ring amino acid with two azido or triazole functional groups within the sequence of Aib residues. Tetrahedron 70:8900-8907, 2014
  3. Asano A, Yamada T, Doi M: Modulating the structure of phenylalanine-incorporated ascidiacyclamide through fluorination. J. Pept. Sci. 20:794-802, 2014
  4. Oba M, Takazaki H, Kawabe N, Doi M, Demizu Y, Kurihara M, Kawakubo H, Nagano M, Suemune H, Tanaka M: Helical Peptide-foldamers having a chiral five-membered ring amino Acid with two azido functional groups. J. Org. Chem. 79:9125-9140, 2014
  5. Hoshino M, Kamino S, Doi M, Takada S, Mitani S, Yanagihara R, Asano M, Yamaguchi T, Fujita Y: Spectrophotometric determination of hydrogen peroxide with osmium(VIII) and m-carboxyphenylfluorone. Spectrochim Acta, Part A, 117:814-816, 2014


  1. Demizu Y, Yamashita H, Yamazaki N, Sato Y, Doi M, Tanaka M, Kurihara M: Oligopeptides with Equal Amounts of L- and D-Amino Acids May Prefer a Helix Screw Sense. J. Org. Chem. 78:12106-12113, 2013
  2. Yamazaki N, Demizu Y, Sato Y, Doi M, Kurihara M: Helical Foldamer Containing a Combination of Cyclopentane-1,2-diamine and 2,2-Dimethylmalonic Acid. J. Org. Chem. 78:9991-9994, 2013
  3. Demizu Y, Nagoya S, Shirakawa M, Kawamura M, Yamagata N, Sato Y, Doi M, Kurihara M: Development of stapled short helical peptides capable of inhibiting vitamin D receptor (VDR)-coactivator interactions. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 23:4292-4296, 2013
  4. Nakanishi K, Doi M, Usami Y, Amagata T, Minoura K, Tanaka R, Numata A, Yamada T: Anthcolorins A-F, novel cytotoxic metabolites from a sea urchin-derived Aspergillus versicolor. Tetrahedron 69:4617-4623, 2013
  5. Oba M, Shimabukur, A, Ono M, Doi M, Tanaka M: Synthesis of both enantiomers of cyclic methionine analogue: (R)- and (S)-3-aminotetrahydrothiophene-3-carboxylic acids. Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 24:464-467, 2013