大学院生 | 3名、特別研究学生:1名(京都大学大学院医学研究科より) |
学部学生 | 6年次生:14名、5年次生:12名、4年次生:13名 |
大野 行弘
薬学部長・教授 / 医学博士
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (Section Editor:
Neuropharmacology)、Frontiers in Pharmacology (Associate Editor)、Frontiers in Neurosciences (Associate Editor)、CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Editorial Board Member)、International Journal of Molecular Science (Editorial Board Member) -
清水 佐紀
准教授 / 博士(薬科学)
日本薬理学会(学術評議員)、日本薬学会、日本毒性学会、日本神経精神薬理学会(評議員)、日本神経科学学会 -
國澤 直史
助教 / 博士(薬学)
(1) 錐体外路系運動障害治療におけるセロトニン神経系の機能解明1-5)
(2) 脳グリア細胞の機能解析と疾患治療への応用研究6-10)
(3) シナプス開口分泌の機能解析と疾患治療への応用研究11-14)
(4) 新たな神経疾患モデルの開発15-18)
- M. Kinboshi, S. Shimizu, K. Tokudome, T. Mashimo, T. Serikawa, H. Ito, R. Takahashi, A. Ikeda, Y. Ohno: Imbalance of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission in audiogenic seizure-susceptible Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated 1 (Lgi1)-mutant rats., Heliyon, 9, e17984 (2023)
- 大野行弘、清水佐紀: (分担執筆):“図解 薬害副作用学 改訂3版”, 南山堂, 2023
- M. Kato, N. Kunisawa, S. Shimizu, H.A. Iha, Y.Ohno: Mechanisms Underlying Dopaminergic Regulation of Nicotine-Induced Kinetic Tremor., Front. Pharmacol., 13, 938175 (2022)
- 清水佐紀、大野行弘: 抗発作薬の作用機序., 日本臨牀「てんかん診療update」., 80, 1883-1887 (2022)
- M. E. Frizzo, Y. Ohno: Perisynaptic astrocytes as a potential target for novel antidepressant drugs., J. Pharmacol. Sci., 145, 60-68 (2021)
- Y. Ohno, N. Kunisawa, S. Shimizu: Emerging roles of astrocyte Kir4.1 channels in the pathogenesis and treatment of brain diseases., Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 10236 (2021)
- 國澤直史、芹川忠夫、清水佐紀、大野行弘: 新規てんかん関連因子Phf24の機能解析., BIO Clinica., 36, 55-59 (2021)
- Y. Hayase, S. Amano, K. Hashizume, T. Tominaga, H. Miyamoto, Y. Kanno, Y. Ueno-Inoue, T. Inoue, M Yamada, S. Ogata, B. Shabeesh, K. Hayashi, Y.Miura, K. Tokudome, Y. Ohno, T. Nishijo, T. Momiyama, Y. Yanagawa, A. Takizawa, T. Mashimo, T. Serikawa, A. Sekine, E. Nakagawa, E. Takeshita, T. Yoshikawa, C. Waga, K. Inoue, Y. Goto, Y. Nabeshima, N. Ihara, K. Yamakawa, S. Taya, M. Hoshino: Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule Like-1 (DSCAML1) links the GABA system and seizure susceptibility., Acta Neuropathol. Commun., 8, 206 (2020)
- M. Kinboshi, A. Ikeda, Y. Ohno: Role of astrocytic inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) 4.1 channels in epileptogenesis., Front. Neurol., 11, 626658 (2020)
- Nishitani A, Nagayoshi H, Takenaka S, Asano M, Shimizu S, Ohno Y, Kuramoto T: Involvement of NMDA receptors in tremor expression in Aspa/Hcn1 double-knockout rats., Exp. Anim. 69, 388-394 (2020)
- 大野行弘、國澤直史、清水佐紀:てんかんモデルを用いたてんかん原性研究., Medical Science Digest, 46, 79-83 (2020)
- 大野行弘(分担執筆):“疾患薬理学 改訂版” 成田年 監修、メオメディカル (2020)
- 大野行弘:「てんかんの薬物治療と新たな創薬展開」. 薬事日報 9月23日掲載
- Serikawa T, Kunisawa N, Shimizu S, Kato M, Iha A. H, Kinboshi M, Nishikawa H, Shirakawa Y, Voigt B, Nakanishi S, Kuramoto T, Kaneko T, Yamamoto T, Mashimo T, Sasa M, Ohno Y: Increased seizure sensitivity, emotional defects and cognitive impairment in PHD finger protein 24 (Phf24)-null rats., Behav. Brain Res., 369, 111922, 2019
- Kinboshi M, Shimizu S, Mashimo T, Serikawa T, Ito H, Ikeda A, Takahashi R, Ohno Y: Down-regulation of astrocytic Kir4.1 channels during the audiogenic epileptogenesis in Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated 1 (Lgi1)-mutant rats., Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20:1013, 2019
- Iha A. H, Kunisawa N, Shimizu S, Onishi M, Nomura Y, Matsubara N, Iwai C, Ogawa M, Hashimura, Sato K, Kato M, Ohno Y: Mechanism underlying organophosphate paraoxon-induced kinetic tremor., Neurotox. Res., 35, 575-583, 2019
- Nishitani A, Kunisawa N, Sugimura T, Sato K, Yoshida Y, Suzuki T, Sakauma T, Yamamoto T, Asano M, Saito Y, Ohno Y, Kuramoto T: Loss of HCN1 subunits causes absence epilepsy in rats., Brain Res., 1706:209-217, 2019
- Y. Ohno, N. Kunisawa, S. Shimizu: Antipsychotic Treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD): Management of Extrapyramidal Side Effects., Front. Pharmacol., 10, Article 1045 (2019)
- Ohno Y: Serotonin receptors as the therapeutic target for central nervous system disorders. In “Serotonin: The mediator that spans evolution.” edited by P. M. Pilowsky, Elsevier, London, pp.369-390, 2019
- 大野行弘、加藤将貴、清水佐紀:ニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体(ニコチン受容体)と作用薬., THE LUNG-perspectives., 27:62-66, 2019
- 金星匡人、大野行弘:アストロサイト., てんかん研究., 36:672-677, 2019
- 金星匡人、大野行弘、池田昭夫:てんかん発症におけるイオンチャネルおよび受容体の機能異常., “ペランパネルによるてんかん治療のストラテジー”, 先端医学社, 2019
- 大野行弘(分担執筆):“臨床薬学テキストシリーズ:神経・筋/精神/麻酔・鎮痛” , 中山書店, 2019
- Ohno Y: Astrocytic Kir4.1 potassium channels as a novel therapeutic target for epilepsy and mood disorders., Neural Regen. Res., 13:651-652, 2018
- Kunisawa N, Shimizu S, Kato M, Iha A. H, Iwai C, Hashimura M, Ogawa M, Kawaji S, Kawakita K, Abe K, Ohno Y: Pharmacological characterization of nicotine-induced tremor: Responses to anti-tremor and anti-epileptic agents., J. Pharmacol. Sci., 137:162-169, 2018
- Mukai T, Kinboshi M, Nagao Y, Shimizu S, Ono A, Sakagami Y, Okuda A, Fujimoto M, Ito H, Ikeda A, Ohno Y: Antiepileptic drugs elevate astrocytic Kir4.1 expression in the rat limbic region., Front. Pharmacol., 9:845, 2018
- Ohno Y, Kinboshi M, Shimizu S: Inwardly rectifying potassium channel Kir4.1 as a novel modulator of BDNF expression in astrocytes., Int. J. Mol. Sci., 19:3313, 2018
- 徳留健太郎、清水佐紀、芹川忠夫、大野行弘: 新たなてんかん治療標的分子Synaptic vesicle protein 2A (SV2A) の機能解析., 日本薬理学雑誌., 152:275-280, 2018
- 金星匡人、大野行弘:てんかんの病態におけるグリア細胞の役割., BIO Clinica., 33:12-17, 2018
- 大野行弘(分担執筆): “臨床薬学テキストシリーズ:薬物治療総論/症候・臨床検査/個別化医療” , 中山書店, 2018
- Kinboshi M, Mukai T, Nagao Y, Matsuba Y, Tsuji Y, Tanaka S, Tokudome K, Shimizu S, Ito H, Ikeda A, Inanobe A, Kurachi Y, Inoue S, Ohno Y: Inhibition of inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) 4.1 channels facilitates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in astrocytes., Front. Mol. Neurosci., 10:408, 2017
- Kuramoto T, Yokoe M, Kunisawa N, Ohashi K, Miyake T, Higuchi Y, Yoshimi K, Mashimo T, Tanaka M, Kuwamura M, Kaneko S, Shimizu S, Serikawa T, Ohno Y: Tremor dominant Kyoto (Trdk) rats carry a missense mutation in the gene encoding the SK2 subunit of small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel., Brain Res., 1676: 38–45, 2017
- Kuramoto T, Voigt B, Nakanishi S, Kitada K, Nakamura T, Wakamatsu K, Uemura R, Tanaka M, Kuwamura M, Shimizu S, Ohno Y, Sasa M, Serikawa T: Identification of candidate genes for generalized tonic-clonic seizures in Noda epileptic rat., Behav. Genet., 47:609-619, 2017
- Shimizu S, Sogabe S, Yanagisako R, Inada A, Yamanaka M, Iha A. H, Ohno Y: Glycine-binding site stimulants of NMDA receptors alleviate extrapyramidal motor disorders by activating nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway., Int. J. Mol. Sci., 18: 1416, 2017
- Kunisawa N, Iha A. H, Nomura Y, Onishi M, Matsubara N, Shimizu S, Ohno Y: Serotonergic modulation of nicotine-induced kinetic tremor in mice., J. Pharmacol. Sci., 134:131-138, 2017
- Ohno Y, Tokudome K: Therapeutic role of synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) in modulating epileptogenesis., CNS Neurol. Disord. Drug Targets, 16:463-471, 2017
- Iha A. H, Kunisawa N, Shimizu S, Tokudome K, Mukai T, Kinboshi M, Ikeda A, Ito H, Serikawa T, Ohno Y: Nicotine Elicits Convulsive Seizures by Activating Amygdalar Neurons., Front Pharmacol., 8:57, 2017
- Iha A. H, Kunisawa N, Tokudome K, Mukai T, Kinboshi M, Shimizu S, Ohno Y: Immunohistochemical analysis of Fos protein expression for exploring brain regions related to central nervous system disorders and drug actions., In “In Vivo Neuropharmacology and Neurophysiology” edited by A. Philippou, Springer, New York, Neuromethods, 121:389-408, 2017
- 大野行弘(分担執筆):“スタンダード薬学シリーズⅡ 医療薬学I薬理・病態・薬物治療(2)”, 東京化学同人, 2017
- 金星匡人、大野行弘、池田昭夫(分担執筆):“神経疾患治療ストラテジー 既存の治療・新規治療・今後の治療と考え方”, 中山書店, 2017
- 大野行弘(分担執筆):“図解 薬害副作用学 改訂2版”, 南山堂, 2017
- Kunisawa N, Iha A. H, Shimizu S, Tokudome K, Mukai T, Kinboshi M, Serikawa T, Ohno Y: Nicotine evokes kinetic tremor by activating the inferior olive via α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Behav. Brain Res., 314:173-180, 2016
- Tokudome K, Okumura T, Terada R, Shimizu S, Kunisawa N, Mashimo T, Serikawa T, Sasa M, Ohno Y: A missense mutation of the gene encoding synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) confers seizure susceptibility by disrupting amygdalar synaptic GABA release., Front. Pharmacol., 7:210, 2016
- Tokudome K, Okumura T, Shimizu S, Mashimo T, Takizawa A, Serikawa T, Terada R, Ishihara S, Kunisawa N, Sasa M, Ohno Y: Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) regulates kindling epileptogenesis via GABAergic neurotransmission., Sci. Rep., 6:27420, 2016
- Nishitani A, Tanaka M, Shimizu S, Kunisawa N, Yokoe M, Yoshida Y, Suzuki T, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Kuwamura M, Takenaka S, Ohno Y, Kuramoto T: Involvement of aspartoacylase in tremor expression in rats., Exp. Anim., 65:293-301, 2016
- 大野行弘, 金星匡人: グリア細胞., てんかん研究, 34:51-59, 2016
- 大野行弘: パーキンソン病の病態・治療におけるドパミン神経系およびセロトニン神経系の役割., 神経内科, 85:495-502, 2016
- 大野行弘(分担執筆): “疾患薬理学”, ネオメディカル, 2016
- Shimizu S, Mizuguchi Y, Sobue A, Fujiwara M, Morimoto T, Ohno Y: Interaction between anti-Alzheimer and antipsychotic drugs in modulating extrapyramidal motor disorders in mice., J. Pharmacol. Sci., 127:439-445, 2015
- Tatara A, Shimizu S, Masui A, Tamura M, Minamimoto S, Mizuguchi Y, Ochiai M, Mizobe Y, Ohno Y: Atypical antipsychotic properties of AD-6048, a primary metabolite of blonanserin., Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 138:14-19, 2015
- Ohno Y, Shimizu S, Tatara A, Imaoku T, Ishii T, Sasa M, Serikawa T, Kuramoto T: Hcn1 is a tremorgenic genetic component in a rat model of essential tremor., PLoS One, 10:e123529, 2015
- Ohno Y, Shimizu S, Tokudome K, Kunisawa N, Sasa M: New insight into the therapeutic role of the serotonergic system in Parkinson’s disease.,Prog. Neurobiol., 134:104-121, 2015
- Ohno Y, Tokudome K, Kunisawa N, Iha A. H, Kinboshi M, Mukai M, Serikawa T, Shimizu S: Role of astroglial Kir4.1 channels in the pathogenesis and treatment of epilepsy., Ther. Targets. Neurol. Dis., 2:e476, 2015
- Serikawa T, Mashimo T, Kuramoto T, Voigt B, Ohno Y, Sasa M: Advances on Genetic Rat Models of Epilepsy., Exp. Anim., 64:1-7, 2015
- 金星匡人, 向井崇浩, 徳留健太郎, 國澤直史, 清水佐紀, 芹川忠夫, 伊東秀文, 大野行弘:アストロサイトによる空間的カリウム緩衝機構とてんかん病態:新たなてんかん治療標的分子Kir4.1チャネルの機能に着目して., 最新医学, 70:1023-1030, 2015
- 大野行弘(分担執筆):“臨床てんかん学”, 医学書院, 2015
- 大野行弘(分担執筆):“図解 薬理学”, 南山堂, 2015
- Harada Y, Nagao Y, Mukai T, Shimizu S, Tokudome K, Kunisawa N, Serikawa T, Sasa M, Ohno Y: Expressional analysis of inwardly rectifying Kir4.1 channels in Groggy rats, a rat model of absence seizures., Arch. Neurosci., 2:e18651, 2014
- Shimizu S, Tatara A, Sato M, Sugiuchi T, Miyoshi S, Andatsu S, Kizu T, Ohno Y: Role of cerebellar dopamine D3 receptors in modulating exploratory locomotion and cataleptogenicity in rats., Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry, 50:157-162, 2014
- Fumoto N, Mashimo T, Masui A, Ishida S, Mizuguchi Y, Minamimoto S, Ikeda A, Takahashi R, Serikawa T, Ohno Y: Evaluation of seizure foci and genes in the Lgi1L385R/+ mutant rat., Neurosci. Res., 80:69-75, 2014
- Mukai T, Nagao Y, Nishioka S, Hayashi T, Shimizu S, Ono A, Sakagami Y, Watanabe S, Ueda Y, Hara M, Tokudome K, Kato R, Matsumura Y, Ohno Y: Preferential suppression of limbic Fos expression by intermittent hypoxia in obese diabetic mice., Neurosci. Res., 77:202-207, 2013
- Shimizu S, Mizuguchi Y, Tatara A, Kizu T, Andatsu S, Sobue A, Fujiwara M, Morimoto T, Ohno Y: 5-HT1A agonist alleviates serotonergic potentiation of extrapyramidal disorders via postsynaptic mechanisms., Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry, 46:86–91, 2013
- Nagao Y, Harada Y, Mukai T, Shimizu S, Okuda A, Fujimoto M, Ono A, Sakagami Y, Ohno Y: Expressional analysis of the astrocytic Kir4.1 channel in a pilocarpine-induced temporal lobe epilepsy model., Front. Cell. Neurosci.,7:104, 2013
- Harada Y, Nagao Y, Shimizu S, Serikawa T, Terada R, Fujimoto M, Okuda A, Mukai T, Sasa M, Kurachi Y, Ohno Y: Expressional analysis of inwardly rectifying Kir4.1 channels in Noda epileptic rat (NER)., Brain Res., 1517:141–149, 2013
- Ohno Y, Shimizu S, Tokudome K: Pathophysiological roles of serotonergic system in regulating extrapyramidal motor function., Biol. Pharm. Bull., 36:1396-1400, 2013
- Shimizu S, Mizuguchi Y, Ohno Y: Improving the treatment of schizophrenia: Role of 5-HT receptors in modulating cognitive and extrapyramidal motor functions., CNS Neurol. Disord. Drug Targets., 12:861-869, 2013
- Shimizu S, Ohno Y: Improving the treatment of Parkinson's disease: A novel approach by modulating 5-HT1A receptors., Aging Dis., 4:1-13, 2013
- Ohno Y, Shimizu S, Imaki J, Masui A, Tatara A: Management of antipsychotic-induced extrapyramidal motor disorders: Regulatory roles of the serotonergic nervous system., In “Antipsychotic Drugs: Pharmacology, Side Effects and Abuse Prevention" edited by T. L. Schwartz, M. Topel and J. L. Menga, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, pp. 219-234, 2013
- Shimizu S, Ohno Y: 5-HT1A receptors as a therapeutic target for Parkinson’s disease., In “Emerging Drugs and Targets for Parkinson’s Disease" edited by A. Martinez and C. Gil, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 306-324, 2013
- 大野行弘(分担執筆)"図解 薬害・副作用学" 南山堂, 2013
- Baulac S, Ishida S, Mashimo T, Boillot M, Fumoto N, Kuwamura M, Ohno Y, Takizawa A, Aoto T, Ueda M, Ikeda A, LeGuern E, Takahashi R, Serikawa T: A rat model for LGI1-related epilepsies., Hum. Mol. Gen., 21:3546-3557, 2012
- Ohno Y, Okano M, Masui A, Imaki J, Egawa M, Yoshihara C, Tatara A, Mizuguchi Y, Sasa M, Shimizu S: Region-specific elevation of D1 receptor-mediated neurotransmission in the nucleus accumbens of SHR, a rat model of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Neuropharmacology, 63:547-554, 2012
- Tatara A, Shimizu S, Shin N, Sato M, Sugiuchi T, Imaki J, Ohno Y: Modulation of antipsychotic-induced extrapyramidal side effects by medications for mood disorders., Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry, 38, 252-259, 2012
- Ishida S, Sakamoto Y, Nishio T, Baulac S, Kuwamura M, Ohno Y, Takizawa A, Kaneko S, Serikawa T, Mashimo T: Kcna1-mutant rats dominantly display myokymia, neuromyotonia and spontaneous epileptic seizures., Brain Res., 1435:154-166, 2012
- Ohno Y, Okumura T, Terada R, Ishihara S, Serikawa T, Sasa M: Kindling-associated SV2A expression in hilar GABAergic interneurons of the mouse dentate gyrus., Neurosci. Lett., 510:93-98, 2012
- Ohno Y, Tatara A, Shimizu S, Sasa M: Management of cognitive impairments in schizophrenia: The therapeutic role of 5-HT receptors., In “Schizophrenia Research: Recent Advances", Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY pp. 323-338, 2012
- Sasa M, Ohno Y: “Serotonin -Diverse physiological functions and related drugs-", Life Science Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo, pp. 1-15, 2012