- The enhanced-view totally extraperitoneal repair of abdominal bulge after DIEP flap breast reconstruction for breast cancer: a case report
- Masami Yako
(矢子 昌美) - 掲載誌:Surgical Case Reports
- 発 刊:2024.11
- 分 類:case report
- Laparoscopic extraperitoneal approach for lateral lymph node dissection for patients with metachronous lateral pelvic lymph node metastases following
- Shinsuke Masubuchi
(鱒渕 真介) - 掲載誌:Surgical Endoscopy
- 発 刊:2024.10
- Glycolysis in gastrointestinal stromal tumor: a brief overview
- Takafumi shima
(島 卓史) - 掲載誌:Neoplasia
- 発 刊:2024.06
- 分 類:Review
- Surgical management of right hepatectomy after coronary artery bypass grafting using the right gastroepiploic artery: a case report and literature review
- Nao Kawaguchi
(川口 直) - 掲載誌:World Journal of Surgical Oncology
- 発 刊:2024.03
- 分 類:Case report
- Oncological relevance of proximal gastrectomy in advanced gastric cancer of upper third of the stomach
- Yoshiro Imai
(今井 義朗) - 掲載誌:Surgery Open Science 18:23-27
- 発 刊:2024.03
- 分 類:原著
- Gender equity in surgical instruments: ergonomics of ring-handled forceps
- Emiko Kono
(河野 恵美子) - 掲載誌:Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies 33(1):21-28
- 発 刊:2024.02
- 分 類:原著
- Understanding the pathophysiology of acute critical illness: translational lessons from zebrafish models
- Kensuke Fuji
(藤井 研介) - 掲載誌:Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 12(1):8
- 発 刊:2024.01
- 分 類:Review