Clinical Trial Circumstances, OMPU Team


Clinical Trial Circumstances at OMC Clinical Research Center

OMC Team


As a hospital affiliated to the Medical and Pharmaceutical University, it is the feature of ours, Clinical Research Center, that we have organizational solid collaboration with the other departments, Intractable Diseases Center, Cancer Center and Chemotherapy Center. And also furnished with wards for Phase I trials.  Not only implementing accurate and secure clinical trials based on the GCP, it enables us to accept early stage clinical trials in various range diseases.


We are designated as the Cooperative Hospitals for Cancer Genomic Medicine in April 2018, and have been providing Multiprex Genomic Testing since October 2018, led by National Cancer Center.  
Well-trained and experienced medical team and well prepared medical facilities enables to conduct safe and accurate clinical trials.  


Responsible support and tight collaboration with these sections allows us to conduct globally advanced, secure and accurate clinical trials.  The director of Clinical Research Center have been sincerely making effort to create the solid relationship between these sections since they had been established at the OMPU.