
1. Morphology of cervical periradicular fibrous sheath and nerve roots in relation to postoperative C5 palsy.
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2. Dynamics, Structure, and Assembly of the Basement Membrane in Developing Salivary Glands Revealed by an Exogenous EGFP-Tagged Nidogen Probe.
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3. Histological and Immunohistochemical Studies to Determine the Mechanism of Cleft Palate Induction after Palatal Fusion in Mice Exposed to TCDD.
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4. 繊毛機能から見た嚢胞性腎疾患 Primary cilium and cystic kidney disease
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5. 乳癌転移過程におけるセンチネルリンパ節のT細胞活性化の抑制.
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