平成18年度 第Ⅲ回 博士学位論文内容の要旨及び審査結果の要旨

番 号 氏 名 論 文 題 目
甲第743号 有城 久美子 Angiotensin receptor-1 blocker inhibits atherosclerotic changes and endothelial disruption of the aortic valve in hypercholesterolemic rabbits
Journal of the American College of Cardiology  49(13): 1482-1489, 2007
甲第744号 稲元 輝生 Anti-CD26 monoclonal antibody-mediated G1/S arrest of human renal clear cell carcinoma Caki-2 is associated with Rb dephosphorylation, CDK2 reduction, p27kip1 enhancement, and disruption of binding to the extracellular matrix
Clinical Cancer Research 12 (11): 3470-3477, 2006
甲第745号 井上 洋人 Massive apoptotic cell death of human glioma cells via a mitochondrial pathway following 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy
Journal of Neuro-Oncology 83(3): 223-231, 2007
甲第746号 茨木 利彦 The relationship of tryptase- and chymase-positive mast cells to angiogenesis in stage I non-small cell lung cancer
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery  28(4): 617-621, 2005
甲第747号 右梅 貴信 FTY720 Induced bcl-associated and fas-independent Apoptosis in Human Renal Cancer Cells In Vitro and Significantly Reduced In Vivo Tumor Growth in Mouse Xenograft
ANTICANCER RESEARCH  27(1): 75-88, 2007
甲第748号 梅川 俊義 ハムスター子宮内膜症モデルの臓器癒着における肥満細胞の関与
(Relationship between number of mast cells and adhesion formation in hamster endometriosis model)
大阪医科大学雑誌  (66)1: 12-19, 2007
甲第749号 奥田 信昭 Depressed Myocardial Contractile Reserve in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Assessed by Tissue Doppler Imaging With Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography
Chest  131(4): 1082-1089, 2007
甲第750号 川上 真樹子 重症患者に対する経腸栄養管理
第1報 ― 重症救急患者に対する早期経腸栄養 ―
第2報 ― 脳低温療法施行患者に対する超早期経腸栄養は可能である ―

Management of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients
Part1:Early enteral nutrition in critically ill emergency patients
Part2:Early institution of enteral nutrition is feasible in patients undergoing brain hypothermia therapy
大阪医科大学雑誌 65(3): 212-220, 2006
大阪医科大学雑誌 65(3): 221-231, 2006
甲第751号 岸 勘太 Role of Chymase-Dependent Angiotensin II Formation in Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Hypertensive Rats
PEDIATRIC RESEARCH  60(1): 77-82, 2006
甲第752号 小林 崇俊 Advanced glycation end products induce death of retinal neurons via activation of nitric oxide synthase
Experimental Eye Research 81: 647-654, 2005
甲第753号 白石 奈々子 Effects of g-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) on Proliferation of the Gastric Cancer Cell Line, KATOⅢ
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College 53(1): 33-43, 2007
甲第754号 曽山 明子 Intraventricular Dyssynchrony May Play a Role in the Development of Mitral Regurgitation in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Journal of Cardiac Failure 11(8) : 631-637, 2005
甲第755号 大黒 恵理子 Analysis of morphology and infectivity of measles virus particles
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College  53(2): 107-114, 2007
Hypertension Research  30: 469-475, 2007
甲第757号 趙 明珠 Novel therapeutic strategy for stroke in rats by bone marrow stromal cells and ex vivo HGF gene transfer with HSV-1 vector
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 26: 1176-1188, 2006
甲第758号 月山 芙蓉 Gallate, the component of HIF–inducing catechins, inhibits HIF prolyl hydroxylase
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  351(1): 234-239, 2006
甲第759号 土手 江美 Acute lethal toxicity, hyperkalemia associated with renal injury and hepatic damage after intravenous administration of cadmium nitrate in rats
Journal of Occupational Health 49: 17-24, 2007
甲第760号 中川 大輔 Post operative outcome in aortic stenosis with diastolic heart failure compared to one with depressed systolic function
International Heart Journal 48(1): 79-86, 2007
甲第761号 二村 吉継 Effects of CO2/HCO3- in Perilymph on the Endocochlear Potential in Guinea Pigs
(モルモット蝸牛内直流電位に対する外リンパ液CO2/HCO3- の影響)
Journal of Physiological Sciences  57(1): 15-22, 2007
甲第762号 能見 勇人 Infiltration of H-2d-Specific Cytotoxic Macrophage with Unique Morphology into Rejection Site of Allografted Meth A (H-2d) Tumor Cells in C57BL/6 (H-2b) Mice
(C57BL/6 (H-2b)マウスに同種異系Meth A(H-2d)腫瘍細胞を移植するとユニークな形態のH-2d特異的細胞傷害性マクロファージが移植部へ浸潤する)
Microbiology and Immunology  51(3): 297-306, 2007
甲第763号 平野 すずえ Physiologically high concentrations of 17-b-estradiol enhance NF-kB activity in human T cells
American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 292: R1465-R1471, 2007
甲第764号 廣瀬 潤 Inactivation of antineoplastics in clinical wastewater by electrolysis
Chemosphere  60: 1018-1024, 2005
甲第765号 藤田 能久 Proteomics-Based Approach Identifying Autoantibody against Peroxiredoxin VI as a Novel Serum Marker in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
(プロテオーム手法による食道扁平上皮癌における新規診断マーカー、抗Peroxiredoxin VI抗体の同定)
Clinical Cancer Research 12(21):604-611, 2006
甲第766号 藤野 久仁子 Transcriptional Expression of Survivin and its Splice Variants in Endometriosis
(子宮内膜症におけるsurvivin遺伝子とそのsplice variants の発現)
Molecular Human Reproduction 12(6): 383-388, 2006
甲第767号 藤原 新也 Relationship Between Liver Fibrosis Noninvasively Measured by Fibro Scan and Blood Test
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College 53(2): 93-105, 2007
甲第768号 二口 光里 Transcriptional expression of survivin and its splice variants in cervical carcinomas
(子宮頚癌におけるsurvivin遺伝子とそのsplice variantsの発現)
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer  17(5): 1092-1098, 2007
甲第769号 古林 圭一 The significance of chymase in the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysms in dogs
Hypertension Research 30(4): 349-357, 2007
甲第770号 森 保彦 Flow-Mediated Dilatation in Obese Children
Clinical Pediatric Endocriniology  12(1): 43-48, 2003
甲第771号 山上 高生 Effects of ATP on pericyte volume in rat retinal microvessels: regulation of retinal blood flow by pericyte
大阪医科大学雑誌 66(1): 20-30, 2007
甲第772号 山口 裕之 Clinical efficacy of conservative laser therapy for early-stage cervical cancer
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer  17: 455-459, 2007
甲第773号 山本 直宗 Treatment of post-dialytic orthostatic hypotension with an inflatable abdominal band in hemodialysis patients
Kidney International  70: 1793-1800, 2006
甲第774号 弓場 一秀 Frequent Establishment of Long-term-cultured Myofibroblast Cell Lines Derived from Dupuytren’s Nodules, Which Are Implantable into Nude Mice
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College  53(2): 123-132, 2007 (in press)
甲第775号 横山 勲 Establishment of gold standard for electrolyzed sodium chloride solution in disinfection
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College  53(1): 11-19, 2007
甲第776号 吉中 亮二 COX-2 Inhibitor Celecoxib Suppresses Tumor Growth and Lung Metastasis of a Murine Mammary Cancer
Anticancer Research  6B(26): 4245-4254, 2006

番 号 氏 名 論 文 題 目
Digestive Endoscopy  19(1): 3-12, 2007
乙第1036号 日下部 健 Effect of Danazol on NK Cells and Cytokines in the Mouse Uterus
Journal of Reproduction and Development  53(1): 87-94, 2007
乙第1037号 岩倉 研二 Unique enhancement of multinuclear giant cell formation in AGS cell line infected with Helicobacter pylori
(Helicobacter pylori がAGS細胞におこす新たな細胞変性効果)
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College  53(1): 1-9, 2007
乙第1038号 鈴木 秀治 Success Rate of Implantation and Mid-term Outcomes of the Sirolimus-eluting Stent
Circulation Journal  71: 15-19, 2007
乙第1039号 竹内 利寿 Development of a new contrast endoscopic method with Techno Color blue P
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College  53(1): 45-55, 2007
乙第1040号 成山 仁 ステント植込みによる内膜肥厚に対するセリバスタチンの抑制効果
(HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, cerivastatin, inhibits stent-induced intimal hyperplasia of rabbit carotid artery)
大阪医科大学雑誌  65(3): 24-33, 2006
乙第1041号 下村 裕章 Autophagic Degeneration as a Possible Mechanism of Myocardial Cell Death in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Japanese Circulation Journal  65(11): 965–968, 2001
乙第1042号 榮樂 周子 Effects of Helicobacter pylori Infection on Mucin Phenotype of Early Differentiated Gastric Carcinoma; Study with Gastric Mucosal Specimens Obtained by Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
(早期分化型胃癌の形質発現におけるHelicobacter pylori感染の関与 ― 内視鏡的胃粘膜切除標本を用いての研究)
乙第1043号 神﨑 裕美子 Myocardial Inflammatory Cell Infiltrates in Cases of Dilated Cardiomyopathy as a Determinant of Outcome Following Partial Left Ventriculectomy
Japanese Circulation Journal  65: 797-802, 2001
乙第1044号 野口 誉生 Effect of Long-term Administration of Ammonia Water on Rat Gastric Mucosa –Combined Effect of Gastric Mucosal Protective Agents
(アンモニア水長期投与によるラット胃粘膜に及ぼす影響 ― 胃粘膜防御因子製剤併用による効果も含めて)
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College  53(1): 69-78, 2007
