平成16年度 第Ⅰ回 博士学位論文内容の要旨及び審査結果の要旨

番 号 氏 名 論 文 題 目
甲第689号 木下 ちさ β2-adrenergic regulation of ciliary beat frequency in rat bronchiolar epithelium: potentiation by isosmotic cell shrinkage
The Journal of Physiology 554(2): 403‐416, 2003
甲第690号 年名 優美 (1) Hepatic injury and gluconeogenesis after subcutaneous injection of monochloroacetic acid in rats
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine  9(2): 58-62, 2004

(2) Acute dose- and time-dependent toxicity of monochloroacetic acid after subcutaneous injection in rats
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College 50(1): 2004 in press

番 号 氏 名 論 文 題 目
乙第977号 松島 礼子 Comparison of the active standing test and head-up tilt test for diagnosis of syncope in childhood and adolescence
(小児、思春期における失神の診断に対する能動的起立試験、head-up tilt試験の比較)
Clinical Autonomic Research 14(4):  in press
乙第978号 清水 宏泰 Therapeutic Effects of Glucose Infusion on Monochloroacetic Acid Exposure in Rats
Toxicology and Industrial Health  18: 389‐395, 2002
乙第979号 梅田 達也 Intra-Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony Provoked by Right Ventricular Pacing in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
不整脈 (Journal of Arrhythmia) 20(3): 2004 in press
乙第980号 植木 健 Expression of Apoptosis-Related Proteins in Adenomyotic Uteri Treated with Danazol and GnRH Agonists
International Journal of Gynecological Pathology 23: 248‐258, 2004
乙第981号 野田 久美子 Functional role of inhibitory and excitatory nerves in the porcine lower urinary tract
European Journal of Pharmacology 456: 81‐90, 2002
