平成24年度 第Ⅱ回 博士学位論文内容の要旨及び審査結果の要旨

番 号 氏 名 論 文 題 目
甲第916号 稲富 直
Antenatal exposure to Ureaplasma species exacerbates bronchopulmonary dysplasia synergistically with subsequent prolonged mechanical ventilation in preterm infants
Pediatric research 71(3): 267-273, 2012
甲第917号 井元 章 Neural invasion induces cachexia via astrocytic activation of neural route in pancreatic cancer
International Journal of Cancer 131(12): 2795-2807, 2012
甲第918号 大江 恵
(A comparison of mechanical stiffness of titanium and biodegradable osteofixation systems)
日本形成外科学会会誌 33(4): 219-227, 2013
甲第919号 鎌田 美佳
Expression and epigenetic change of the AR and FSHR genes in the granulosa cells of endometriosis patients
Genetics & Epigenetics 2012:4  1-8,   doi: 10.4137/GEG.S9877
甲第920号 喜多村 泰博
Urinary Monitoring of Exposure to Yttrium, Scandium, and Europium in Male Wistar Rats
Biological Trace Element Research 150(1-3): 322-327, 2012
甲第921号 下山 雄一郎
Perioperative risk factors for deep vein thrombosis after total hip arthroplasty or total knee arthroplasty
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 24(7): 531-536, 2012
甲第922号 杉浦 裕美子
Characteristics of community-living elderly people with a slight decline in higher-level functional capacity
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College 57(2): 85-92, 2011
甲第923号 孫 偉
Gefitinib enhances the efficacy of photodynamic therapy using 5-aminolevulinic acid in malignant brain tumor cells
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 10(1): 42-50, 2013
甲第924号 髙原 健
Human prostate cancer xenografts in lit/lit mice exhibit reduced growth and androgen-independent progression
The Prostate 71(5): 525-537, 2011
甲第925号 寺本 邦洋
Temporal changes in echocardiographic findings in cardiac and non-cardiac sarcoidosis patients
Internal Medicine 51(21): 3001-3007, 2012   http://dx.doi.org/10.2169/internalmedicine.51.8396
甲第926号 戸成 匡宏
Blocking Endothelin-B Receptors Rescues Retinal Ganglion Cells from Optic Nerve Injury through Suppression of Neuroinflammation
Investigative Ophthalmology&Visual Science 53(7): 3490-3500, 2012
甲第927号 中山 紳
Longitudinal relationships between stages of changes in the transtheoretical model and annual data changes in mandatory routine health checkups of university faculty
Japanese journal of occupational medicine and traumatology  60(3): 165-175, 2012
甲第928号 藤井 基嗣
Pathological Factors related to Lymph Node Metastasis of Submucosally Invasive Gastric Cancer: Criteria for Additional Gastrectomy after Endoscopic Resection
(胃SM 癌のリンパ節転移に関する病理学的因子の研究 -胃SM癌の内視鏡的切除後における外科的追加胃切除の病理学的適応基準の確立-)
Gastric Cancer 16: 2013 in press
甲第929号 藤阪 智弘
Angiotensin II promotes aortic valve thickening independent of elevated blood pressure in apolipoprotein-E deficient mice
Atherosclerosis 226(1): 82-87, 2013
甲第930号 藤田 修一
Atrial natriuretic peptide exerts protective action against angiotensin II-induced cardiac remodeling by attenuating inflammation via endothelin-1/endothelin receptor A cascade
Heart and Vessels  2013, in press
甲第931号 藤原 聡枝
GPR30 regulates the EGFR-Akt cascade and predicts lower survival in patients with ovarian cancer
Journal of Ovarian Research 2012, 5:35   doi:10.1186/1757-2215-5-35
甲第932号 發知 淳子
Plaque-stabilizing effect of angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitor and/or angiotensin receptor blocker in a rabbit plaque model
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 2012 Nov  http://dx.doi.org/10.5551/jat.14266
甲第933号 鱒渕 真介
Chymase inhibitor ameliorates hepatic steatosis and fibrosis on established non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in hamsters fed a methionine- and choline-deficient diet
Hepatology Research  2013, in press
甲第934号 宮﨑 信一郎
The action site of the synthetic kainoid (2S,3R,4R)-3-carboxymethyl-4- (4-methylphenylthio)pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid (PSPA-4), an analogue of Japanese mushroom poison acromelic acid, for allodynia (tactile pain)
European Journal of Pharmacology 710(1-3): 120-127, 2013
甲第935号 横山 和武
Apoptotic Speck Protein-Like(ASCL) is hypermethylated in hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic liver diseases
(肝癌、肝炎組織におけるApoptotic Speck Protein-Like(ASCL)遺伝子のメチル化について)
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College 58(1,2):  35-43, 2012
甲第936号 吉川 信彦
Sivelestat sodium hydrate reduces radiation-induced lung injury in mice by inhibiting neutrophil elastase
Molecular Medicine Reports 7(4): 1091-1095, 2013

番 号 氏 名 論 文 題 目
乙第1108号 中島 世市郎
Effect of Prosthetic Mandibular Advancement in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
(閉塞型睡眠時呼吸障害患者に対するProsthetic Mandibular Advancementの効果について)
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College 58(1,2): 27-33, 2012
乙第1109号 田中 克子
(Development and Verification of an Education Program for Pregnancy and Delivery in Women with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus)
大阪医科大学雑誌  71(3): 69-81, 2012
乙第1110号 平山 隆則
Detection of dengue virus genome in urine by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR: a laboratory diagnostic method useful after disappearance of the genome in serum
(尿中デングウイルス遺伝子のリアルタイムRT-PCRによる検出: 血中ウイルス消失後の有用な検査診断法)
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 50(6): 2047-2052, 2012
乙第1111号 岡本 純典
(Changes in foot pressure distribution and lower limb alignment before and after total knee arthroplasty)
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 55(6): 1227-1239, 2012
